Ghana Goods imports and sells West African drums, musical instruments, textiles and gifts. Owner Ben Lawrence, is also a dedicated drumming teacher with years of experience and knowledge about drumming techniques and Ghanaian culture.
The site’s primary function is as a shop for selling professional quality African instruments. We used WooCommerce for the shop, which is easy to manage but can also be adapted easily to most shop needs.
The site also advertises workshops and courses with the ability for visitors to book and pay for them.
The site also has a huge amount of information about Ghanaian music and culture, plus a large section of learning support articles to help his learners. Organising the information and making it easy for visitors to navigate and find the information they want took a lot of time and planning, but it was an interesting challenge to devise a method to display the information in a clear and easy to understand way.
The design of the site is based on colours, patterns and textures of the drums, instruments and textiles. Although we wanted the site to function in a modern way, we used some old school effects such as drop shadows and textures to echo the visual richness of Ghana.
Visit ghanagoods.co.uk